
College History

            Provision of quality educational services ensuring the formation of competitive and professionally competent graduates prepared for effective work in their field at the level of modern standards.
            Formation of legal, ethical, and psychological culture among graduates.
            Development of a creatively active personality capable of social and professional mobility in the face of dynamically changing needs of modern society.
            Main ways of mission implementation:
            - Creating an environment for effective interaction of all participants in the educational process.
            - Expanding the range of educational services.
            - Mastering modern pedagogical technologies.
            - Developing the material, technical, and methodological base of the college.
            - Establishing partnership relations with interested parties.
            - Implementing modern information innovations in the education system.
            - Efficient personnel and financial management, and strategic economic development.
            - Enhancing the professionalism of college teachers and staff.
            - Creating an open information and educational space for the college.
            - Meeting the needs of the labor market and employers for qualified specialists with secondary vocational education.
            - Meeting the personal needs for intellectual, cultural, and moral development through obtaining secondary vocational education in the chosen professional field.
            - Shaping a civic position and work ethic among students, fostering responsibility, independence, and creative activity.
            - Preserving and enhancing the moral and cultural values of society.
            - Specifying the final results of education in the form of competencies, skills, knowledge, and practical experience.
            - Forming and developing the creative potential of the teaching staff to prepare highly qualified specialists for healthcare organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic.
            Tasks and main directions:
            - Meeting qualification requirements for the level of graduates' training according to the State Educational Standard for all specialties.
            - Civic and patriotic education.
            - Shaping a healthy lifestyle and environmental culture.
            - Developing students' cognitive and creative abilities.
            - Developing collaboration between students and teachers.
            - Creating conditions for the formation of the student's worldview and system of value orientations.
            - Aesthetic education and organization of leisure activities.
            - Forming legal culture.
            - Forming and strengthening college traditions.
            - Family education.
            - Social issues and social adaptation.
            - Forming the professional focus of educational activities.
            - Fostering a culture of intercultural communication.